Domestic or Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is useless or unwanted materials discarded as a result of human or animal activity. Most commonly it is solids, semisolids or liquids in containers thrown out of houses, commercial or industrial premises.

DOVE BIOTECH technology for Domestic or Municipal Waste Treatment Types of domestic wastes include food wastes, plastic bags, glass bottles, tin containers, paper, clothes, metals and etc. The following methods are adopted for discarding wastes:
- Landfill.
- Incineration.
- Composting.
These domestic wastes are usually collected and transported directly to a landfill site. When new landfills are being planned, the most important issue is to find a location that is acceptable to the public and to local regulatory agencies. In the management of existing landfills, the major concern is to ensure that proper operational procedures are followed carefully and routinely. Landfills are subject to biological and physical factors in the environment. As a result, they change over time and may cause the following problems:
- Leachate contamination of groundwater.
- Methane production.
- Incomplete decomposition.
This category of waste generally refers to common household waste, as well as office and retail wastes, but excludes industrial, hazardous, and construction wastes. The handling and disposal of MSW is a growing concern as the volume of waste generated in each country continues to increase. Municipal waste treatment typically comprises of landfill, combustion, recycling and composting.
However, in developing countries, municipal waste are usually collected and transported directly to a landfill site for dispose of waste materials. In management of existing landfills, the major concern is to ensure that proper operational procedures are followed with careful and routine inspection since landfills are directly subject to biological and physical factors in the environment.
DOVE Biotech provides solid waste treatment plants that will use advanced technology and will be environmentally friendly, helping to eliminate all toxins & dioxins in the process. The system designed to protect the environment, waste disposal & generation of green energy. This advanced technology is approved by United Nations (UN) as green energy project and is successfully working in countries like France, United Kingdom, German, India and many more. The treatment system developed to cover all types of solid waste.
Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) is the generation, separation, collection, transfer, transportation and disposal of waste in a way that takes into account public health, economics, conservation, aesthetics, and the environment, and is responsive to public demands.
DOVE Biotech Waste-To-Energy Technology proposed to set up 1.65 Million MT, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW, Garbage) plant along with 5 MW Power plant in agreement with the Municipal Corporation (Municipality) and/or Government of Guyana, and using it environmentally friendly technology to treat the waste and generate electric power.
The entire process and operations carried out by using a very advanced and environmentally friendly technology where the wastes will be first treated and separated before burnt in a furnace called incinerator. Combustible substances such as rubbish, garbage, dead organisms and non-combustible matter such as glass, porcelain and metals are separated before feeding to incinerators. The non-combustible materials can be left out for recycling and reuse. The heat produced in the incinerator during burning is used in the form of steam power for generation of electricity through turbines. It is a hygienic way of disposing solid waste by using thermal process and very effective for detoxification of all combustible pathogens DOVE Biotech provides the best technology with high standard and valuable information on waste treatment and operation. We are developing new and more effective ways of waste treatment as well as developing the practices and procedures, considering cost effectiveness, high energy outcome, safety of employees / workers, and the major issue – a green energy which aimed to provide clean environment for a better living.